Redbarn dog grain free air dried beef 2lb
Redbarn dog grain free air dried beef 2lb
Redbarn dog grain free air dried beef 2lb

Redbarn dog grain free air dried beef 2lb

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Made with 85% or more fish, beef or chicken, our Air Dried Dog Food is guaranteed to satisfy your pup’s carnivore cravings! Our slow cooking process not only creates a tantalizing taste and crunchy texture but allows the animal protein to retain more of its natural nutrition than high-heat cooking processes. But despite what our four-legged friends may lead us to believe, they need more than meat to live long, healthy lives. Each recipe is complete and balanced with a blend of wholesome ingredients like salmon oil, flaxseed, and vitamins and minerals. 

  • Functional Ingredients
  • Healthy Joints
  • Muscle Development
  • Training Treats

Beef, Beef Lung, Beef Liver, Dicalcium Phosphate, Flaxseed, Calcium Carbonate, Salmon Oil (Preserved with Mixed Tocopherols), Salt, Potassium Chloride, Choline (Choline Chloride), Ferrous Sulfate, Zinc Sulfate, Vitamin E Supplement, Copper Amino Acid Complex, Sodium Selenite, Manganese Sulfate, Niacin Supplement, Vitamin B5 (Calcium Pantothenate), Riboflavin Supplement, Vitamin A Supplement, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Vitamin B12 (Thiamine Mononitrate), Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride), Calcium Iodate, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid).